Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Sue has been teaching the Two At A Time Toe Up Sock the last two Sundays and it has been a wonderful success!! Our sock lovers delved into their new projects with great enthusiasm and we are thrilled that they were up to the challenge! Next week they will be completing their heels and will be well on their way to having two completed socks! Keep up the good work, ladies!

Here is a little peek into their class. I love the looks of deep concentration!! This is serious work!!

This is Sue sharing her expertise. Take a good look.....I may never get another picture of of her again. I'm pretty certain she's going to kill me for posting this one!! Pray for me!

We remind you often that we are always here to help you, and we MEAN it!! It makes no sense to us to have you start a project and leave it unfinished because you don't come in to seek help, no matter how big or small the problem is.

We introduced Ida Berris to you last month. She was the author of the witty little poem for Dottie. Well, because Ida heeds our advice, she came in to get back on track with her socks. On this visit, Paula was able to help her, and again, to show her appreciation, Ida wrote her a poem.
And guess what?? We're sharing it with you! (You're not surprised, are you?)


Paula Nelson, a fairy godmother
Wandless, brilliant, unlike any other
She saves me time and time and time again
No problem is too hard for her to mend
Oh Paula, Rumplestiltskin is no match
For your magic hands to fix or patch
My dropped and tangled stitches you can fix.
There must be some magic in your two sticks!
No wand, no first born son for you to steal,
Oh Paula Nelson, you are just ideal.
Thank you Paula, you magnificent you.
All phrases of praises are your just due.

-Ida Berris

Thank you Ida!! We completely agree!! Happy Knitting and Crocheting to you all!!


Unknown said...

I love making two socks at a time. Thanks to Sue, I'm on my way ! :)

Jen said...

We NEVER run out of things to say!! You know better than that! Just a little busy today!! At least we know people are reading!!